Forecasting Sales Run Rate: Leveraging Historical Performance for Accurate SaaS Projections

Forecasting Sales Run Rate: Leveraging Historical Performance for Accurate SaaS Projections A run rate is a forecast based on current performance. For SaaS companies, this metric is interesting to compute as their future performance is highly influenced by the actual ARR of the company. For example, if a company sells yearly subscriptions, the sales “seasonality”…

Enhancing SaaS Forecasting in Salesforce: Moving Beyond the Amount Field

If you’re familiar with Salesforce, you know that customizing it to fit your SaaS company metrics can be challenging. For SaaS forecasting, the default field Salesforce utilizes is the Amount field on the Opportunity object. In this post, I’ll explain why you shouldn’t use the amount field for forecasting, and how you can forecast properly…

The Key to Revenue Projection: Exploring Pipeline Historical Data

The Key to Revenue Projection: Exploring Pipeline Historical Data Pipeline historical data can be hard to get. Salesforce reports mostly show real-time data. Unless you master Salesforce, you won’t be able to retrieve opportunities historical data. Having this data can be quite useful for forecasting, as there is a tight relationship between a consistent pipeline…